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Call 248-374-0600

"commercial safes needing serviced" Services in Manchester, MI has been our specialty.

Manchester, MI "commercial safes needing serviced" Services Done Right!
Choose a local Manchester, MI company that handles "commercial safes needing serviced" Services
If you need "commercial safes needing serviced" Services help..Call 248-374-0600
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About Redford Lock Security Solutions
Redford Lock Security Solutions has been in business since 1974 and was bought in 1997 hen they made the switch to all commercial commercial safes needing serviced projects in the Manchester, MI area. Redford Lock Security Solutions has expanded there business into more than just safes and the occasional trip to help with keys locked in the car. Working hard to bring their expertees to those who really need it. Redford Lock Security Solutions has worked on many commercial safes needing serviced projects in schools, banks, health care failities and many other types of businesses and commercial facilities in the Manchester, MI area to make sure anyone coming in and out of that building is safe and/or meant to be there. If you need expert assistance with any commercial safes needing serviced projects in the Manchester, MI, please call Redford Lock Security Solutions at 248-374-0600 today!
What Makes Us Unique?
Redford Lock Security Solutions has become the go to for locksmith and security needs in the Manchester, MI area since being bought and expanding in 1997. Redford Lock Security Solutions is a member of ALOA and many other nation and local assosiations. Redford Lock Security Solutions has patented many of there own security and lock systems helping businesses in the Manchester, MI area with their security and commercial safes needing serviced needs. Redford Lock Security Solutions has also worked on many innovations to help schools in the Manchester, MI area during lockdown situations. Redford Lock Security Solutions has worked hard to become more then just another locksmith, working on all commercial safes needing serviced projects woth your safety as our number one priority. If you need expert assistance with any commercial safes needing serviced projects in the Manchester, MI area, please call Redford Lock Security Solutions at 248-374-0600 today!
bottom of unique
- Access Control Systems
- CCTV Systems
- Custom Low Voltage Systems
- Door (Exterior) - Install or Repair
- Door (Interior) - Install or Repair
- Doors - Repair
- Intrusion Detection
- Locksmith
Welcome to Redford Lock Security Solutions

Did you just buy a used safe or do you know who else besides you has your safe combination? Safe sales and service can change the safe combination to provide the best security for you and your valuables.

Some Recent Projects
Redford Lock Security Solutions Collage

Contact Redford Lock Security Solutions

Thank you for visiting our commercial safes needing serviced website. Please contact us with any questions or comments about our commercial safes needing serviced products or services.





Redford Lock Security Solutions
46085 Grand River Ave Novi ,  MI   46085

We would love to solve your commercial safes needing serviced needs and provide you a Service unlike any other company in Manchester, MI could.